“The wolf’s rock.” or the “Cry Wolf.” This is the marker of the Yanyeidí Clan territory. As predicted by the Indian doctor, this is the wolf that howled four times at the Tlingit warriors before the battle and turned into rock after the battle was won.
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“Crow creek.” Also known as Yeth Creek. It is also the name of a Tlingit village at the mouth of this creek.
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“Yellow Bluff.” A rock bluff extending out into the Taku River. So named for the yellow rock on the north eastern side.
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Xóots means “Grizzly Bear,” Hídi means “house,” thus “Grizzly Bear House.” Located at the south western end of king Salmon Creek flats in the Taku River valley.
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“Female Grizzly Bear house.” Located at the north eastern end of king Salmon River flats.
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This name describes the mythohistoric battle that two giants (Was’as’ê and ?kùdasêts’k) engage in over
the Taku River. Eventually, Was’as’ê rips ?kùdasêts’k apart and throws pieces of his body all over the Taku. He declares, “Let ?kùdasêts’k’s heart become the Heart of the Taku” (Nyman and Leer 1993:5), and to this day that heart remains in the Taku River. For more details, please refer to the story in Nyman, Elizabeth and Leer, Jeff (1993). Gagiwdul.at: Brought Forth to Reconfirm: The Legacy of a Taku River Tlingit Clan.
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Gaat (Sockeye salmon), T'á (Chinook/King salmon), and L'ook (Coho salmon) are landed for the commercial fishery at Taku Wild's Landing Station. Link: http://www.takuwild.com
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Fish wheels are located here. to capture live salmon. Salmon are tagged for developing estimates of run size. This is also an old Tlingit village site.
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The Taku River Tlingit operate a Gaat (Sockeye) Weir here. Gaat (Sockeye ) are counted and tags are collected to estimate the run size. Scale samples are taken that are later used to age the fish.
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A historical potlatch location. One end of the Nakina trail is located here. This is the farthest up the T'aakú that Tlingit people could sail their canoes. Popular fishing area for T’á (Chinook/King salmon) and Aashát (Steelhead Trout).
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T’á (Chinook/King salmon) spawn in this area. This Taku River Tlingit Weir collects information from the salmon after they spawn and die.
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Weir for counting Gaat (Sockeye) that come into and spawn in Gaat.áayi (Kuthai Lake).
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Fisheries and Oceans Canada operates a weir here. Gaat (Sockeye) are counted through the weir and tags and scale samples are collected to estimate salmon run size.
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Fisheries and Oceans Canada operates a weir to count Gaat (Sockeye) here. Tags and scale samples are collected to estimate salmon run size.
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X'wáat (Dolly Varden and the closely related Bull Trout) can be found in the Naak'ina.áa Héeni and in many other creeks in the Taku Drainage.
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