We would like to say aatlein gunalchéesh to the following individuals who lent us their words, their information about places, and their voices to explain “Why Place Names are Important”:
Ed Anderson
Alice Carlick
Susan Carlick
Wayne Carlick
Louise Gordon
Nicole Gordon
Bryan Jack
Vivian Mahoney
David Moss
Andrew Williams
Jackie Williams
We would also like to say aatlein gunalchéesh to those individuals whose voices are found on the map section of our website. Their voices help us learn the Tlingit place names, as well as words for resources in our territory. Some individuals, Jackie Williams and Mary Anderson, were recently recorded for this project, while Elizabeth Nyman and Antonia Jack’s recordings were found in the Taku River Tlingit First Nation Heritage archives. We say gunalchéesh to our Elders for recording these names in the past, so we can learn them to today and continue to use them into the future.
Mary Anderson
Antonia Jack
Elizabeth Nyman
Jackie Williams
Finally, we say aatlein gunalchéesh to all those individuals who have worked so hard to help make this website a reality!
Nick Blackwell
Mark Connor
Jon Corbett
Louise Gordon
Nicole Gordon
Tara Grant
David Lacho
Colleen Larson
Emily Millard
Anna Schmidt
Christine Schreyer
Financial Support and In-Kind Support were provided by: SSHRC Insight Development Grants, the University of British Columbia, the Taku River Tlingit First Nation and the Centre for Social, Spatial and Economic Justice.